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compulsory education 強迫教育,義務教育。

compulsory execution

Theoretical interpretation of compulsory education offered by the government 義務教育由政府提供的理論解讀

You are right , because the compulsory education is all in rote 我同意,因為應試教育都是以死記硬背為基礎。

On the issues and countermeasures of rural compulsory education investment 論農村義務教育投資的問題與出路

Assumptions on the institution of hiring textbook in compulsory education 義務教育階段教科書租用制的設想

Rent - seeking behavior analyses of school choice on compulsory education 義務教育中擇校尋租主體的行為分析

An objective analysis of school - choosing at the stage of compulsory education 義務教育階段的擇校行為分析

In china we are carrying a nine - year compulsory education movement 在中國我們現在正執行九年義務教育制。

Information about nine - year compulsory education in kangping and zhangwu counties 彰武縣九年義務教育見聞

Fiscal investment in rural compulsory education in china , usa 中美農村義務教育財政投資體制的比較與借鑒

Every swiss under 16 - year - old should receive compulsory education 16歲以前每個瑞士人都要接受義務教育。

Everyone must receive 9 years of compulsory education in china 在中國,每個人必須接受九年制義務教育。

The curriculum reforms in china , japan and rok ' s compulsory education 中日韓義務教育課程改革的若干比較

A thought on school selecting system in our compulsory education 對我國義務教育階段擇校制度的幾點思考

This house would require compulsory education through senior high school 義務制教育應該貫徹至高中。

Problems in rural compulsory education after rural tax - fee reform 稅費改革后的農村義務教育問題研究

The compulsory education and the reform of tax and due in the rural areas 農村義務教育與農村稅費改革

Make 9 - year compulsory education universal 普及9年義務教育

Investigation and considerations on current rural compulsory education 當前農村義務教育的調查與思考

The scholar regards so - called compulsory education as useless 那位學者認為所謂的義務教育是無用的。